Meet Donna
Two words that describe me – perseverant and creative! Establishing a career in public relations and nonprofit fundraising is not for the faint of heart.
I graduated with a Master of Fine Arts in theatre management from the City University of New York – Brooklyn College. The biggest challenge for me, and, of course the essence of the experience, was that the program was in New York City – New York City with 8 million people! I grew up in little towns of 1,000 people.
The program required a 15-20 hour per week internship each semester. They had a few suggestions and some contacts you could call, but, mostly, I was on my own. I had to find my own internships, paid or unpaid. And for the final residency, I had to find my residency. Oh, and find a way to eat, too!
I learned to hustle and to think outside the box. Haven’t stopped.
Before founding Miller Consulting, I held senior management positions with The Science Place (now the Museum of Nature & Science), the Arthritis Foundation – North Texas Chapter, and the University of Dallas.